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A couple of days ago I showed you a clip of what looked like an order phentermine rx without effort to trip the Bobcats' Raymond Felton by Steve Nash. A lively discussion ensued in the comments as to whether it was or wasn't order phentermine rx without, but one expert, ESPN's Marc Stein, seems "certain" that this occurred simply by accident: After watching the video myself, I'd say Nash kicked out with his left leg to balance himself as much as anything because his right ankle was about to give.... Either way, I'm quite certain it wasn't order phentermine rx without because Nash A) doesn't go around kicking people even when he's playing soccer and B) he and Felton are friends. They're not only represented by the same agent Bill Duffy but Felton participated in two Nash charity events over the summer. I respect Stein's opinion here, but his reasoning is flawed. It's fine if he believes, after viewing the clip, that Nash wasn't trying to trip Felton. But as for saying that Nash wouldn't do something like that just because the two players are friends and are represented by the same agent, that just doesn't make any sense. I mean, have you ever played in a heated game with your friends and felt the need to give a hard foul to send a message or simply stop someone from getting an easy hoop? I definitely don't think Nash was trying to injure Felton, but after being beaten off the dribble, it's certainly not out of the question for him to think about sticking his leg out to stop him from getting an uncontested score. When you're on separate teams and competing against one another, the thought that your opponent is also your friend rarely if ever crosses your mind. ... order phentermine rx without