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Free market think tank the Centre for Independent Studies has zeroed in on the difference between transtasman pay in its report which investigates the reasons for the wage gap. It cites figures which show New Zealand dump truck operators are a long way behind their Australian counterparts in the wage stakes, typically earning between $45,000 and $60,000. So would life in Oz really be better than here? Tim (Perth) I moved to NZ in 1987 for 4 years because we truly thought NZ was "it". It's a con. I couldn't believe I was driving round in a 1958 Triumph Herald and no one thought it strange. We found (in ChCh at least) the populace cold and unfriendly, violently anti Pom (I am one), anti Australian, insular, bigoted about NZ, jealous of the better off (tall poppies), pro Waitangi, unsupportive of the rule of law, passively supportive of ethnic minorities, bludgers,, crims, drugs and proud of being back in the fifties. I eventually ended up in Oz where we have been made welcome. Why is it that all you pommie haters go to the UK for your ridiculous "OE", a country you apparently hate? NZ is indeed a lovely country, but believe me, it isn't the best place in the world, it's just another place. Why do you think your population isn't growing? And by the way, the Maori want you out because it 'aint yours. Me? I'll never go back, even for a holiday keep it. Advertisement Advertisement Joe (Sydney) Melbourne is nice but small. Lots of crime shootings. Good shopping. People tend to whinge a lot, moaners. Very good sports teams & fashion. Tasmainia: very nice, much like NZ people very pleasant. Great landscape. Recommended. Not sure about cod phentermine saturday there. Perth lots of new money little taste and culture. Huge mining boom, out of control property prices. miles from anywhere. Queensland, full of your stereotype loud mouth Aussies. Hang on half of them are from NZ. Cheap, lots of land. But you know it's QLD, Kath and Kim territory. Sydney fast, sometimes crass and shallow, but is also very happening, like a mini LA. Property prices both renting and buying are ridiculous. We pay $680 per week for a small but nice place in the eastern burbs. Its rough & aggressive. Weather, beaches a& parks really do leave Auckland for dead. NZ: Lovely countryside, generally people are nice. Inner city Auckland is like a cheap Asian market no city planning to speak of,its a dump. Endless navel gazing. Get out of the country nothing changes while you are away Lulu (Brisbane) @Gias (Sydney): "4 years in Aus & have regretted not making the move 20 years ago. Anyway we all know Australia couldn't function without the multitude of expats there, but I really feel NZ is choking in its own mediocrity led by our lovely leader Helen Clark. " It's this kind of arrogance that gets under my skin where some Kiwis are concerned. Australia has, and will continue to function exceptionally well with or without Kiwis. Perhaps, a little more initiative and less whingeing from you Kiwis might see your country spark up and actually function properly. As for NZ being "led by a lovely leader", well Helen is not the smartest cookie in the Pacific, but perhaps the best that NZ could come up with. Yes, we have water restrictions here in Qld, like much of the east coast, but other than not being able to water the garden every day, the restrictions have no impact on our daily life. If anything, their existence encourages people to be more thoughtful towards water usage as part of the holistic approach to environmental care. Graham Hutton (Queensland) The same old chestnuts surface each time this argument is put forward. Fact: they (NZ & Oz) are completely different countries, climate is different, culture is different, size is different (and yes,size does matter). If you want big, flash and secure Oz is for you (water is a problem) and for those who say "who wants to live inside with A/c in summer"?, there are Aussies who say "who wants to live inside with central heating. Comparisons are odious! The real difference for me (as an ex pat kiwi) cannot be fully appreciated by someone still cod phentermine saturday in NZ (and not well travelled), I love NZ, But I am appalled at what it has become: an insecure, nanny state with greedy self interest as its main character trait of the different social ethnic groups cod phentermine saturday there. A recent study (I read about on this site) found Maori cod phentermine saturday in Oz have higher self esteem and career prospects than if they live in NZ. What does that say about affirmative action and Maori activism? Yes it's a beautiful country, yes it's cold and wet a lot, yes Oz is dry, humid and bloody awful in summer, but Aussies love Oz and Kiwis love NZ. Build a bridge & get over it! Paul (Auckland) When in doubt, consult the experts! Mercer Consulting Group produce what is probably the definitive world Quality of Life survey. They rank Auckland in 5th place behind Zurich, Geneva, Vancouver and Vienna in the 2007 survey. Australia's best placed city is Sydney in 9th place. Yes, you can argue that other places in NZ have a better quality of life than Auckland and Australians will argue the same about Sydney, however surely this must be indicative of the average. Wages are certainly higher in Australia in most trades and professions, not all. Income tax is lower (probably temporarily). But if you plan to invest in property in Australia you will be hit with stamp duty and levels of capital gains tax that we do not have here, so over a period of time, your tax burden might even be higher. In terms of cost of cod phentermine saturday, the Mercer survey shows all the major cities in Australia to be higher than Auckland which has NZ's highest cost of cod phentermine saturday. So, some things are cheaper in Australia, but it appears that most are more expensive. Taking into account Australia's worsening drought, rampant racism, dodgey foreign policy, and horrendous bureacracy, I know where I would rather be! Next page Pages: 1 | 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7... 18| 19 View as a single page ... cod phentermine saturday