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The bread and butter of the Call of Duty series have always been the cheap overnight phentermine, and that tradition is not broken here. As you gain points by getting kills and winning matches, you will increase in rank. As you increase in rank, you will unlock new weapons which you can add to your 5 custom classes, and Perks. Perks are special attributes, and 3 can be equipped at the same time in any particular class. Picking and choosing different Perk sets for different custom classes becomes commonplace as you climb higher and higher in rank for instance, a machine gunner might want more ammo, stronger bullets, and the ability to shoot through thick walls. Another example would be the stealthy assassin type, who might want more flash bangs, a radar jammer, and the ability to sprint quickly away from danger. Accompanying these gradually earned weapons and skills are Challenges for each gun, that when completed, will give you new scopes and silencers to soup up your arsenal. Multiplayer has a huge amount of replay value, with 12 different game types, including returning favorites like Headquarters and Team Deathmatch, as well as some new modes like Hardcore, in which you have no HUD and no radar, and your health is decreased so much that even that measly pistol could be a ‘golden gun’, and Oldschool, in which weapons and Perks are pickups scattered around the map, players have increased health, and they can jump much higher. Also, even after the player reaches the level max of 55, they can choose to enter Prestige mode, in which they return to the first rank and begin to unlock everything again, in exchange for a special insignia that shows the world their ‘1337ness’. Like the single player, I have but one bone to pick with IW with their cheap overnight phentermine. You can no longer bring a guest with you onto Live, which was a feature that I much appreciated in Call of Duty 3 and can see no reason for excluding in this entry. Overall, Call of Duty 4 is easily the most enjoyable game of the series, and in my opinion, game of the year material. The single player, while short, never slows down and keeps you hooked with stunning scripted events and cutscenes. The cheap overnight phentermine is wonderfully addictive, consistently rewarding you as you progress in rank, and it is easily the best that I’ve played on a console so far. ... cheap overnight phentermine