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20, nine community groups drove to the New York State Legislative Building in Albany to discuss vapor phentermine pharmacy cod issues in our homes, our schools and our communities. Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo arranged a meeting room so that we could meet in a central location. Besides learning that we are not alone in trying to understand and deal with these issues, we found that we had common goals. What was most obvious to me from this meeting is that there are issues bigger than any of one community group and bigger than all of nine groups bound together. Perhaps the most important outcome we brought back from this meeting is that we need help from NYS Legislature (Assembly and Senate) to help us resolve vapor phentermine pharmacy cod issues in our communities. As a result of this meeting, we have decided to form a state wide group intent on working within the political system to implement important changes. We feel a big problem in dealing with vapor phentermine pharmacy cod is that the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and NYS Department of Health are understaffed. We recognize that in these times of increasing state costs money is scarce, but these are issues concerning the health of our citizens. I cannot imagine a more pressing concern than protecting public health. We strongly urge residents and legislators alike to make the case for funding both of these state agencies to allow them to have the personnel and resources to address these pollution issues. One issue that I raised at this meeting has to do with "blanket mitigation." In Hillcrest, the DEC found that some houses were in need of immediate vapor mitigation and installed venting systems to reduce TCE levels in those homes. On the same block, the TCE levels in some houses were lower than the mitigate criteria so those homes were placed in the "monitor phase" of the NYS guidelines. Rather than subject residents with lower TCE levels to anxieties about how the levels might change later in time, all homes on the block had mitigation systems installed. The DEC "blanketed" the block with protective devices. This action needs to be done in any homes where there is any TCE vapor phentermine pharmacy cod regardless of its status on a guideline grid. I personally insist, and all at this meeting agreed, that the NYS guidelines for TCE in our air are not stringent enough to protect public health. The NYS DOH convened an expert panel in the summer of 2005 to review its guidelines for TCE in air. This expert panel recommended that the guideline be changed from using a matrix with an action level of 5 micrograms per cubic meter in air to a more stringent value of 1 microgram per cubic meter of air. By toughening our TCE guidelines we would be more protective of public health and be in closer agreement with changing standards in other states. Exposure at certain stages of life can be more detrimental than at others. Current research indicates that chemical exposure during early development of a fetus can turn "on" or "off" genes that predispose people to disease. These genetic alterations can be permanent and passed on to subsequent generations. Toxic trespass, vapor phentermine pharmacy cod on pregnant women and children, is unjustifiable. The old adage "the dose makes the poison" is giving way to a new toxicology paradigm, "the timing makes the poison." Since the NYS DOH had determined that the rates of birth defects in Endicott are statistically significant, I insist that we protect our most precious part of our community. It's been over two years since this panel made its recommendation. It's time to act. The assessment of homes impacted by vapor phentermine pharmacy cod is another issue. We heard stories of towns that raised the assessment of homes that have TCE vapor phentermine pharmacy cod. Independent assessment by companies that specialize in pollution issues reduced the assessments of these same homes because of the difficulty of selling homes in areas polluted by TCE. NYS needs to grapple with this conflicted issue, now. Lastly, it was obvious to all participants of the meeting that a statewide effort must be launched to deal with vapor phentermine pharmacy cod issues. We decided to form just such a committee. We are in the process of electing group leaders, articulating and prioritizing issues, and developing strategies to work within the NYS political system to reach our goal of protecting communities and most importantly, our children. I encourage area readers to participate in the effort to resolve vapor phentermine pharmacy cod issues. As more and more communities discover they are victims of vapor phentermine pharmacy cod, they will have to go through the same journey that we are in the Southern Tier. Recently, Dale Desnoyers of the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation stated in this newspaper that more than 400 communities are affected by TCE and vapor phentermine pharmacy cod. The Western Broome Environmental Stakeholders Coalition, which normally deals with vapor phentermine pharmacy cod in Endicott, expanded their meeting to include pollution issues in Endwell. Don't sit back and assume that "we" are getting this job done. I encourage you to become involved. Go to a meeting. Organize your neighbors. Please contact your legislative representatives. Our representatives will only respond to our needs if we are diligent in letting those needs be known. Don't wait until vapor phentermine pharmacy cod is your problem. It already is. Oldfield of Binghamton is a member of the Hillcrest Environmental Action Team (HEAT) and professor of geology at Broome Community College. ... phentermine pharmacy cod