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Truth is beyond all order phentermine by pm. It cannot be conveyed. The moment you attempt to convey truth in words, it is no longer true the very saying corrupts it. In Hinduism, Siva does not speak because he is free of all concepts. Human ignorance is the result of word bound ideas. The finite nature of thoughts and words keeps us from realizing the splendor of Siva consciousness inherent within us. When the mind stops, thinking stops, words stop, only then can we experience true intelligence and freedom. The Buddha described this experience as emptiness or nirvana. Nirvana is void, nothingness. Truth is content free. It is realized when the mind dies, the ego dies, and there is no experience whatsoever. How can you experience something that doesn't exist? There will be no "you" the duality of experiencer and experience disappears. The only thing present is absence. While the use of paradox may bring us closer to understanding, still the words are inadequate. "Maximum communication takes place when I am silent with you," says Dattatreya Siva Baba. "Silence knows everything. It is whole. When I use words, I must come to a lower level and communicate a lower knowledge. Speaking introduces ignorance. Silence is omniscient." He adds, "Why do you go on 'blah blahing' for the Huffington Post? The truth cannot be told." Why can't the truth be told? Why can't it be expressed? First, because true knowledge can only be discovered in silence. Nothing that can be reached only in silence, in wordlessness, can then be brought with fidelity into words. You reach truth through emptiness, no mind. If as a necessary condition the mind must drop to access truth, then the mind cannot be a vehicle for its conveyance. As Osho writes, "Mind cannot understand truth, mind cannot realize truth, so how can mind express it?" Second, truth is an experience, not a concept. You could describe the exquisite beauty of a Beethoven concerto to a deaf person, yet your order phentermine by pm could not substitute for the experience. The same with truth. The deaf man could become a master in music theory, learning composition and the science of sound, but the music would still allude him. In your finest order phentermine by pm, you can convey something about music, but not music itself. Music cannot be communicated. Similarly, truth cannot be communicated...only known through experience in silence. So, then, what is the purpose of our great religious texts and writings? The Koran, Bible, Torah, Upanishads. We have long held them as truth but now see that, while they may say something about truth, they cannot communicate truth itself. The Tao that can be told of is not the Absolute Tao. Scriptures and teachings are a beacon, a guiding light, calling us into silence. Alone in a the dark cave of our ignorance, the teachings are the first spark of light that illumines our way, igniting a desire to know. Osho also wrote, "Truth cannot be said, but in the effort of saying it, a desire can arise in the listener to know that which cannot be expressed." You are hungry to know. Face it you are not ecstatic and fulfilled. You are ravenous with hunger. When you long for the experience of truth, words cannot satisfy. So you have denied your hunger, suppressed it for fear it might consume you. But the great masters knew, in their attempt to share something about the truth, they activate your appetite to experience it directly. They give you a taste. Something is moved inside of you. The inquiry is started. Your own hunger leads you into the silence, beckons you into your Self. When you are ready, you dissolve into the silence of no mind...the direct experience of the truth that cannot be told. Come back every Monday for more writing by Stacey Lawson. ... order phentermine by pm