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This is the 11th year Summers has taught students the sport of cheapest online pharmacy phentermine in a three week unit. Grades one through five participate, but just the fourth and fifth graders get to shoot outside. For fifth graders, the unit concludes with a turkey shoot Thanksgiving week. The top boy and girl archers those who place the arrow closest to the bull's eye win a 15 pound turkey. "It's a fifth grade tradition and they know it's something to look forward to," said Patty Cowan of Middletown. Her 10 year old daughter, Katie, participated in the turkey shoot and she was a parent volunteer for the event. "It's so different and it just engages the kids," said Cowan. "They're getting exposure to a different sport, rather than the traditional soccer, flag football or whatever." An individual sport with community support Summers developed the program 11 years ago, with the help of volunteers from Tuscarora Archers, a Frederick area cheapest online pharmacy phentermine club. "Ray (May) and Tuscarora Archers have been a real asset to my cheapest online pharmacy phentermine program," said Summers. "The students love to hear him speak. He reinforces the safety concepts already taught by me and he goes over skills in more detail." May has volunteered to work with the students for eight years. He talks about safety, how to hold the bow and knock the arrow, how to shoot with a finger tab, how to stand, and he shows them the compound bows he uses for hunting and competition. Their eyes light up when he shows them the ribbons, medals and trophies he's won in competition. This year, May was named Bowman of the Year by the Maryland Archery Associaton for his contributions in promoting cheapest online pharmacy phentermine through volunteering, teaching and introducing youth to the sport. "I have about five or six other (club members) who help," said May, who also helps teach indoor cheapest online pharmacy phentermine to youth at the Tuscarora club. The four week classes are held in January and February. In past years, some of the Myersville students have attended those classes, he said. Summers, who target shoots with a bow now and then, said she wanted to develop the program because cheapest online pharmacy phentermine is a sport that boys and girls, regardless of their athletic skill level, can participate in. "It's a fun, individual sport," she said. "It's important because everyone can do it." Safety is paramount for this unit, said Summers. The students learn the commands beginning in first grade. Arrow tips must always be pointed at the ground even if the tip is a rubber suction cup. It only takes one safety violation to sideline a student. The curriculum incorporates science, history and math skills with the physical part of cheapest online pharmacy phentermine. Students learn about potential (energy waiting to happen) and kinetic (energy in motion) energy. The unit starts with wood launchers that shoot rubber bands at targets, then moves on to bows and shooting suction cup tipped arrows at paper bull's eye targets indoors. Fourth and fifth graders move on to the next level the outside cheapest online pharmacy phentermine range, where they shoot tipped arrows. "The cheapest online pharmacy phentermine unit focuses on muscle strength for the upper body. It's a way to incorporate that" without having to do push ups and chin ups, she said. "It helps me with eye hand coordination," said 10 year old Brent Leber, a fifth grader. He says that will help him in other sports, such as lacrosse and football. "I like how you rack up points while shooting a bow and arrows at a target." Nine year old Alyssa Klink of Middletown, a fourth grader, said she likes the challenge of aiming and "getting the arrow where you want it to go. It's fun to hold the arrow and pull it back and shoot and see how far it goes. I think I would like to compete." That's one hope Summers has that some of her students will want to participate in the sport. "It takes a lot of skill and practice, like you do with other sports," said fourth grader John Horine, 9, of Myersville. "It takes muscle strength and muscle endurance." Summers says volunteers have made the program successful. Her physical education funds and grant money through the Catoctin Fish and Game Club paid for the lumber to make the launchers and indoor targets, which were built by parents. Local farmers loan bales of hay or straw for the outdoor targets. Tuscarora Archers provides teaching and technical assistance, such as keeping the bows strung. And parents and teachers help with the turkey shoot, which also includes music, craft and snack stations. This year's turkey shoot ended with a shoot off for the girls. Friends Madison Houck and Holly Holt each had to shoot one more arrow. The closest to the bull's eye would win. Holly nailed it. "This is one of the units I look forward to," said Holly, 10, of Myersville. "It's fun and competitive," but classmates cheer for each other. Ten year old David Lee Dinh of Middletown won the boys challenge. "I like shooting. It's pretty fun." Kelli Summers, physical education teacher at Myersville Elementary School, received the Simon A. McNeely Award at the Maryland Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (MAHPERD) at the organization's annual convention last month. The award is presented to individuals who have demonstrated active involvement in school and community affairs, along with outstanding teaching and service in the field of physical education. Summers said she was honored to be nominated for the award. She has a bachelor's degree from Shepherd College in Shepherdstown, W.Va., and a master's from Hood College. "We have an outstanding county physical education program and many dedicated teachers in Frederick County," she said. "I was so proud to represent Frederick County at the state convention and for being named an excellent physical education teacher and also for outstanding service to my profession." Last year, Summers was named a First Class Teacher in Frederick County. "I was nominated and recognized by a staff member and received a certificate and a pin," said Summers in an e mail. "It is FCPS' way to say thanks for a job well done and working hard every day for our students." Susan Guynn ... cheapest online pharmacy phentermine