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Custom phentermine resident sale virginia (ASICs) is too costly and time consuming to develop. These shortcomings in standard design approaches have given rise to a new design approach: the platform. The platform approach calls for the creation of a base design that contains hard and soft phentermine resident sale virginia, both of which can provide high performance and design flexibility. The platform approach supports the rapid creation of product variations through changes to the soft phentermine resident sale virginia while allowing performance and cost optimization in the standard features common to all variations. This method provides flexibility that reduces the risk of fixing unwanted features and allows customization to introduce newly popular features. Because the platform serves as the basis of many product designs, products share the platform's development cost, keeping average product development costs low. The platform leverages software development costs in the same way. The drivers and other support software needed for peripheral functions in the platform can be reused in each product variation. Device fabrication costs are similarly shared, allowing for the creation of products for low end markets from a high end platform simply by selecting a subset of features to be enabled. Platform based design thus provides better market coverage than do traditional methods. The key to creating a platform that has the right mix of standard functions in hard phentermine resident sale virginia and flexible functions in soft phentermine resident sale virginia is careful design up front. First, the customer requirements must be surveyed. Categorizing these needs into segments (such as interface, display, storage and processing) helps streamline later design decisions, but this calls for development teams to identify for a given application space any existing needs or feature sets while also anticipating future needs. By anticipating increasing demand for storage capacity and display resolution, for example, development teams can make provision in the platform design for such changes. Similarly, teams must keep in mind needs beyond those of the product designs that will initially use the platform. Development teams must also keep in mind their design budgets when choosing features for platform implementation. Silicon area, board area, power demands, BOM costs and the like all impose constraints affecting platform design choices. Similarly, risks, costs and design time associated with particular features need to be evaluated. The flexibility of the soft phentermine resident sale virginia in the platform allows for easy trade offs between various design parameters. ... phentermine resident sale virginia