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Dark matter in early epochs was concentrated in long, large, curved filaments, announced by NASA on September 8, 2004, which formed galaxy phentermine obesity where two dark matter filaments intersected. 6. The separation velocities between galaxy phentermine obesity began to accelerate about 6 7 billion years ago, whereas no acceleration of separation velocities between galaxies or between stars has been reported. 7. Strongly self interacting dark matter particles are normally located in halos of dwarf and low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies while weaker self interacting dark matter particles are normally located within galaxy phentermine obesity, implying the existence of two types, forms, or modes of dark matter particles. 8. Starburst galaxies created by the merging of spiral galaxy phentermine obesity exhibit extremely high star formation rates. 9. The blue and blue white stars, as young as one million years old, are located in the spiral arms of mature spiral galaxies, which also contain five billion year old red stars in their nuclei. 10. The Big Bang, as a thermodynamic process, satisfied the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which requires that the total amount of disorder, or entropy, in the universe, always increase with time. Also, since the Big Bang represents the beginning of time for the universe its entropy should have been at its lowest level for all time. 11. The nuclei of starburst galaxies usually exhibit new blue star formation while spiral galaxies exhibit new blue star formation in their spiral arms. 12. Large and mature spiral galaxies were in existence less than 2.5 billion years after the Big Bang. 13. Authors of "Missing Mass in Collisional Debris from Galaxies" conclude, "It more likely indicates that a substantial amount of dark matter resides within the disks of spiral galaxies. The most natural candidate is molecular hydrogen in some hard to trace form." (Science 25 May 2007 Vol.316, pp.1166 1169) Consider these 13 astronomical observations. Could two or three of them be selected and utilized to improve the net significance of modern Big Bang cosmology theory by using the Cold Dark Matter hypotheses plus just one more hypothesis? If the answer is yes, it would make a very interesting scientific paper. On the other hand, most of the 13 astronomical observations can be used as a group or separately to improve the net significance of modern Big Bang cosmology, without adding another hypothesis. This can be done by utilizing the Relativistic Proton dark matter, which is described as comprising galaxy orbiting relativistic protons accompanied by relativistic helium nuclei in a particle ratio in the range of about 10:1 to 12:1. Why does Silicon Valley's inventor/scientist Jerome Drexler believe this is feasible? Drexler has written books published in December 2003 and in May 2006, scientific papers in April 2005 and February 2007 and about two dozen AScribe scientific news releases since June 2006 providing strong evidence that dark matter is comprised of galaxy orbiting relativistic protons accompanied by relativistic helium nuclei in a particle ratio in the range between 10:1 and 12:1. Such fast, charged particles are common in the universe. When they bombard the Earth's atmosphere, they are called cosmic rays, which were discovered in 1912 by Victor F. Hess, who won the 1936 Nobel Prize in physics for the discovery. Drexler originated the five year old Relativistic Proton dark matter theory and presented it to two astronomy/astrophysics professors at a University of California campus in April 2003. He then expanded his presentation to 108 slides and transformed it into a 156 page paperback book, "How Dark Matter Created Dark Energy and the Sun An Astrophysics Detective Story," which was published Dec. 15, 2003. ... phentermine obesity