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But Orin Hatch, R Utah, manages to go further to claim that Mukasey's refusal to concede that water phentermine hoodia diet pill is torture is a hallmark of his independent thinking. In Hatch's twisted syllogism, Senate Democrats who oppose Mukasey are in fact the ones "politicizing the Justice Department," by demanding that he adopt "politically correct" positions on the interrogation practice known as water phentermine hoodia diet pill. Worse, these Democrats are undermining Mukasey's "independence" by unreasonably demanding that he call it illegal. Democrats, he scolds, cannot "emphasize independence and then demand that Mukasey make only their legal judgments." "Their" legal judgment—that water phentermine hoodia diet pill is illegal—is, of course, supported by the Geneva Conventions, the Convention Against Torture, the War Crimes Act, and the Detainee Treatment Act, as well as the JAG officers, a growing group of Justice Department lawyers, and centuries of American tradition. But in Hatch's mind, the legal status of water phentermine hoodia diet pill remains an open question. Hence, his outrage. How dare Senate Democrats attempt to compromise this nominee's "independence" by demanding that he concede that settled law is settled law? Finally it's clear: In the Age of George W. Bush, a truly independent attorney general is at his best when he is "independent" of the Rule of Law. ... phentermine hoodia diet pill